We're back after a long hiatus, our country has been dealing with a lot within the past year and we're sure its not over yet. But, on a brighter side we are still in the works with many upcoming designs and awesome new models joining us monthly as we make our transition. We're going to working hard to make 2021 something wonderful, its all we can do.

For those of you new to V.R.D we're fashion and subculture collided with some kink. What that means to our brand and what that means to you as a supporter, contributor and hell just a kick ass reader!
We'll be posting up regularly as we have new moderators and collaborators joining us on various projects. Mainly we'll be transitioning and linking our social medias to make things easier for our readers and us. So for now we're happy to have you here, we have many products and content that will be popping.